Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Brooklyn Nets and The New Coney Island

I personally cannot wait until the Nets basketball franchise moves to Brooklyn from New Jersey. It will be the first professional sports franchise to move to Brooklyn in over 20 years. I have lived in Brooklyn for over 15 years and I love living there. The only thing that Brooklyn is missing is its own sporting franchise. When the Nets move to Brooklyn it will make huge economic progress in Brooklyn and will potentially open the door for more sporting franchises to move to Brooklyn. I'm also very excited about the redevelopment project that will start in Coney Island. The project was made to modernize Coney Island in order to make it a major attraction again.When Coney Island opened, it attracted an immense amount of revenue and tourism for the borough and made a huge impact. Hopefully the project will bring back the great progress of the past.

1 comment:

tribolaj said...

definitely have to agree with you on the brooklyn nets!! although im an ex resident of brooklyn my heart is still there!